Order for Use in Class
General Information Regarding School Orders
Please only use this page if you are making a bulk order on behalf of an MOE school. Scroll down for our Price List and Order Form.
For School Booklist: If you would like to put our titles on your school booklist, please indicate this in the Order Form. Do note that the prices will differ because of the addition of the school bookshop's commission and also GST if applicable.
They are providing an essential service to the school and the students so we are happy for you to choose this method.
1. All items can be bought separately. For example, you can purchase just the second out of 4 booklets for P1 Maths.
2. Teacher's copy is complimentary (we give an average of one free copy per 25 students).
3. Answer Keys will be given ONLY to the class teachers.
As Teachers' Production is not GST-registered, we do not charge GST when you buy directly from us.
If you are ordering for a tuition centre, pre-school centre or for personal use, please go to Our Products.
If you have already ordered our books for class use and need desk copies, please scroll all the way down for our Desk Copy Request Form.
Regarding samples: If you work in an MOE school and you would like to review samples for the purpose of ordering them for use in class, please use our Contact Form. However, we can only accept requests from Subject Heads (or similar rank) or for someone requesting on behalf of their Subject Head. Please specify your designation in the Contact Form. Thank you for your kind understanding.
About your Data
We at Teachers' Production promise to protect you and your data. We will never use your information for anything other than the purposes of completing the transaction.
School Use Price List
The prices in the following list are for sales via the school bookshop. Click here to see the 2024 updated price list for the school bookshops.
If you buy directly from us instead, there will be no GST and no delivery fees -- please email us for more information! :)
For more details of each title, click here for our School Use Catalogue!
Order for Use in Class
Please Note!
Please be advised that our products are protected by copyright law. They may not be reproduced in part or in whole, in any form whatsoever for personal, commercial or educational use. If you would like to make copies of our materials, you MUST contact us to obtain express written permission. Acknowledging the source of the copyrighted material does not substitute for obtaining written permission.